EASTER 2015 | Sarah Keller: EASTER 2015



Happy Easter, and praise be to God that our Redeemer lives! I hope you all had a great Easter weekend. I loved seeing all of the sunny, outdoor photos of everyone's kids dressed up in cute little Easter outfits and big Easter baskets. Our celebration was extremely minimal with it being so cold and drab here {there's still snow in our back yard, as you can see}. And between the last minute preparations for the new baby and the general exhaustion of being 8 and a half months pregnant, I have to admit that we didn't even get our act together enough to dye eggs this year. But we escaped Watertown for a great little family vacation to Rochester Friday over Saturday, and then had a wonderful morning in church followed by an Easter egg hunt in our backyard later that afternoon. One of these years {when there's not a deployment, or a move, or a new baby right around the corner} I'll get organized enough to dress the boys in adorable little outfits and do Easter "right", haha. But until then, I'm just thankful that we were together this and that in the absence of all of the traditional holiday festivities, there was more time to rest in Christ and to fix our hearts on His unfailing love, His willing sacrifice, and His victory over death!


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