

We finished the nursery! What do you think?

HAHA, just kidding. This adorable little set-up belongs to another lucky mommy to be. Despite being extremely excited to meet our new little guy, we, on the other hand, have done close to nothing to get ready for him. With Asher and Silas to keep up with, an overseas move to prep for, a house on the market/the sudden slew of house related disasters that need repair, plus the usual hustle and bustle of normal life, getting ready for the baby has been on the back burner. But today I realized that he could be coming in as little as three weeks- ah! It'll probably be closer to four or five, but still, that's no time. Which means it's definitely time to get organized, and nothing says "organized" better than a to-do list, right? That being said, here's ours:

Fill out my hospital admittance packet.

Pack a hospital bag.

Sort and wash infant clothes.

Stock up on infant diapers {Silas is still in the cloth diapers and we're about to live out of our suitcases/in a hotel for a few months, not sure how cloth diapering is going to play out for a while}.

Dig out the nursing bras, nursing pads, nursing cover, and stock up on nursing cream.

Print out our birth plan and discuss it with my provider at my next appointment.

Set up a simple space for the baby in our guest room where his clothes and changing table will be.

Wash our infant car seat cover & install it in the car.

Get a hair cut.

Make sure we're set on a name!

Most important of all, spend some focused time in prayer for the safety and salvation for our baby and the strength and grace to deliver him in God's perfect timing.
Not too bad, right? Am I forgetting anything? 

I must say that being a third time mom to a third little boy is pretty nice. There's relatively little to do this time, especially since we're about to move and setting up a nursery wouldn't make sense. The only thing I've been unsure about is whether or not to get a double stroller, but after hearing that even single strollers barely fit anywhere in Germany I think we'll just wait and see if we can get by with our Ergo carrier. But regardless of the nursery and stroller factor, planning for this baby is so much less stressful than when we were about to have our first and literally needed everything. I bet the rest of you seasoned moms can second that, right?


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