And he said to me "Son of man, can these bones live?" And I answered, "O Lord God, you know". Ezekiel 37:3
I love this verse from Ezekiel. There's something so simple yet so profound about it. Maybe just because there will never be a time in any of our lives where we can't tell the Lord, "O Lord God, you know." Whether our day is a joyful one, a boring one, a tragic one, or just so-so, He always knows and He always understands.
Life seems to be slowing down just a tiny bit lately, so I want to take advantage of it and commit to spending more time in my bible. Not just for the sake of "doing more", but for the sake of soaking it in and drawing near to Christ in a more genuine way. The way you sometimes have to make a point of doing even with your own spouse and children when you find yourself juggling needs, wants, and schedules that don't seem to let up on their own. And I want to share some of these timeless pieces of the Word in a fun new way, hence the graphic poster! Similar to the Engineer print I made last winter and have hanging in our sitting room. These are quick little projects, but who knows how many I'll be able to won't slow down for long! But even if it's just this one, I hope it's a blessing and a reminder of our good and sovereign and ever available God who has truth, peace and blessing ready to give to every single one of us!
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