

Silas is two and a half months old already! He's as sweet as ever. He's still making the woodsy little animal sounds I love, he's giving us gummy smiles, and he's {usually} only waking up for one feeding a night. I think a lot of that has to do with letting him sleep on his tummy. A friend of mine discovered that it really helped with their newborn daughter, so I gave it a try and it turns out that Silas loves it too. 

It was admittedly a little scary at first {some doctors act like tummy sleeping is Kryponite for babies}. But after doing some closely monitored trial runs during daytime naps, I've seen how much better he sleeps this way. His neck is strong and he's able to move his head from side to side and readjust as he wants. And it was once I started letting him sleep on his tummy overnight that he went down to only one feeding. 

Then I got spooked the last couple of nights and put him on his back again. And the result? Him waking for two feedings again instead of just one.

So, what to do now? It's hard to know how dangerous tummy sleeping really is {or isn't}, and how much it's related to SIDS. Back sleeping was feared a generation ago because of the possibility that babies could be asphyxiated by spitting up. So, as with a lot of things {like formula vs. breastfeeding}, it seems like the medical opinion tends to flip-flop. I'm certainly no expert on anything, but I guess I'm generally coming to the conclusion that parenting by the book- as defined by current medical opinions- isn't always the way to go if your instincts or experiences are telling you something different about your child. 

In regards to abandoning the "back only or else!" sleep method over the last couple of weeks, I'm careful to keep lose blankets away from his face, I check up on him throughout the night {I still manage to wake up a few times even when the kids aren't making a peep}, and of course I pray that God will watch over him and keep him safe. Coupled with our own diligence to care for them the best that we can, I trust in Jesus for every single thing concerning the safety of our kids. This reminds me of Mathew 10:29-32- "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven."There is so much peace knowing that our good God is sovereign over all things- especially our lives.

Yet- all that being said- I can't say with certainty what I'll do tonight!

What do you guys think? What's been your experience with back vs. tummy sleeping with your kids?

Thanks for reading! 

P.S. Here's an interesting NY Times article the grapples with the topic.

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