We had a wonderful visit with my parents/"Grandma & Grandpa" this past week! Asher just ate them up, they couldn't leave the room for more than a few seconds before he was calling to them to come back (Graaaaaandma! Graaaaaandpa! haha), or before he was chasing after them. And boy did he get lots of love and attention! Thane and I got spoiled too, with my mom who was so quick to help with Asher and Silas (even in the middle of the night, bless that woman), and my Dad too. Not only did he keep Asher entertained, but he helped us fix a few things around the house that we really appreciated having done. And praise God, Watertown actually saw some gorgeous summer weather this week so we spent lots of time outdoors and toured the Old McDonald dairy farm (hence the huge pig). We were definitely sad to see the Grandparents go, but so happy that we'll get to see them again in just about a months time- thankful to Jesus for the great blessings this past week and the ones to soon come!