Asher's Antics | "I spilt it" | Sarah Keller: Asher's Antics | "I spilt it"


Asher's Antics | "I spilt it"

Asher's a little shy of two and a half. In other words, he's crazy! I don't want to forget all of the silly, hilarious, sweet, creative, and maddening endearing little things he's doing these days. So I'm going to do my best to record little snippets of these things right here.

For instance... He's very good at spilling things, announcing in a very fretful voice; "ohhhh no, I spilt it!", and then demanding that the situation be remedied by repeating "clean up" in an equally fretful voice. Ha!

What are your toddlers up to? Or if they're all grown up, what things to do miss about them when they were this age?

Thanks for reading!

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